FROM this week all Blue Badge car parking spaces will be removed from Chalon Way West and Foundry Street.

The council has suggested those disabled drivers who normally use this area can now park in Parade Street or Birchley Street. Other limited spaces are still available dotted around the town centre.

The idea behind Blue Badge Spaces is that disabled people can shop in the centre of town from a convenient point which does not require lengthy walking and carrying bags too far.

The council is removing more of than 40 Blue Badge spaces and are suggesting alternatives which are too far from the new centre of town.

It seems when it comes to choosing temporary sites, disabled people are the easiest targets.

There will be a lot of competition for closest areas to park and this will be a bone of contention.

There are also no assurances that these parking spaces will be returned once the new bus station is built.

I’m afraid a lot of disabled people will find alternative towns that treat disabled people with more respect.

AMM, name and address submitted