SAINTS dropped scrum half Lewis Dodd from the 17 for last night's defeat at Wigan.

But coach Paul Wellens said there is a still way back into the side for the NRL-bound half back.

As was expected following a couple of disappointing performances, Saints re-jigged their spine with teenager Harry Robertson coming in at full back and Jack Welsby partnering Jonny Lomax in the halves.

It led to a hugely improved attacking set-up - despite the 16-12 defeat.

Wellens explained: "Jonny (Lomax) is naturally a very bossy person on the rugby field, so going into seven suits him a little bit, and Jack is a true team player.

"Jack spoke to me earlier on the week and said, 'I'll do anything you ask of me'.

"He's not precious about playing one or six – he just said he’d do what's best for the team and we need those types of players."

But Wellens was keen to see Dodd continue to play a role at the club before he departs these shores - and set out what he needs to do to be in a position to regain his place.

"It was encouraging to see how we played, but I do need to put on record that obviously Lewis Dodd has missed out today," he said.

"I don't think any less of Lewis a player.

"And Lewis hasn't not played tonight because he's going to Australia at the end of the year.

"There's just a couple of areas of his game that we feel he can improve on, and if he does that, and he's prepared to do that then there’s an avenue back into the team for him.

"We are not giving up on Lewis Dodd; he's a very good person and a very good player and he's got some small improvements that he needs to make his game.

"If he makes those improvements. He can find himself back in team."

Wellens was asked how Dodd, last year's World Club Challenge match winner, took the news that he was being left out. 

He replied: "He was naturally disappointed to be left out, but he responded really well in terms of going out on to the training field and he did exactly what was asked of him.

"We were prepping in the game and he was playing the playing at 7 in the team against us really challenged and asking questions of us - so he responded in that sense in the perfect manner.

"Like any player, he’ll be naturally disappointed that he is missing out in a big game like this.

"But I was really proud of him in terms of the way he responded.

"I always say to players that I would be worried if I didn't pick a player, particularly a player of Lewis's experience and stature in the game now, and they were not disappointed.

"I like the fact that he is disappointed."