A TROUBLED secondary school has appointed a permanent headteacher as education bosses seek to put a difficult six months behind them.

Ian Young, 42, currently a deputy head at a Liverpool school, will take the reins at Rainford High Technology College from September 2012.

It follows a turbulent period that has seen the principal, Ruth Greenwood, vice principal, Sam Wells and the chair of governors, John Bromilow, at one of the borough’s biggest schools resign.

Mrs Greenwood and Ms Wells had been suspended while investigations were taking place, though the council said their decisions to resign had been “for personal reasons”.

Mr Bromilow, also resigned shortly before Easter “for personal and health reasons”.

Education chiefs had cited concerns over the leadership and management of the school as reasons for the earlier suspensions.

It also emerged another member of staff has been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation.

Since February ‘superhead’ Liz Nicholls has been tasked with steadying the ship after taking the role of acting principal at the school.

Mr Young, who currently works at Shorefields School in Liverpool, is expected to hold talks with the school’s management over the next weeks.

It is understood he will be tasked with bringing significant improvement to a school that a council source told the Star had been “coasting” prior to the management shake-up.

Speaking of his appointment, Mr Young said: “I am delighted to have the opportunity to lead Rainford forward at this exciting point in the school’s development.

"The school has a solid foundation of committed staff and amazing young people and I look forward to ensuring that the standards in the school reach the highest possible levels of attainment and achievement.

“I am sure there will be a number of challenges in the coming months and years but I am confident the school will become an outstanding institution that will benefit the staff, students and community.

"I look forward to working with everyone to take Rainford High School to outstanding and beyond.”

In a letter sent to parents on Monday, Simon Pierce, chair of governors at Rainford, said: “The governors are confident that he will bring the necessary skills, experience, energy and enthusiasm needed to drive the school forward.

“You will be aware that this has been a particularly challenging period for the school and we are now making good progress on a number of fronts under the leadership of the two acting principals.

“I would echo their thanks for your support to the school at this time.”

Despite the negative headlines the school has attracted and anxiety that has gripped some parents, Mr Pierce is confident his new principal will be leading an impressive school.

He added: “We can be very proud of our young people at Rainford – it was no surprise that during the selection process for a headteacher, all of the candidates who visited the school were impressed by the high standard of behaviour and excited by the potential in all of our children.

“Ian will be spending time with governors and senior staff over the next few weeks to ensure a smooth transition when he takes up the post in September and we look forward to welcoming him to our school.”