RAINFORD Parish Church Amateur Dramatics Society’s next play is The Flint Street Nativity by Tim Firth.

The play is set in Mrs Horrocks' classroom at Flint Street Primary school, where a group of 7 year olds are about to perform their nativity play for the proud mums and dads - and the occasional social worker!

Squabbles arise when Gabriel wants to play Mary, the star grumbles he's not a proper star like they have at NASA, Herod won't stop waving to his mum and the subversive innkeeper is determined to liven up the traditional script.

And then the stick insect escapes....

The children are played by adults and the scale of the set reflects this.

There are some original lyrics set to the tunes of well known Christmas carols. Sounds fun.

It takes place in Rainford Parish Church Hall from Wednesday, November 16 until Saturday, November 19, curtain up 7.45pm.

Tickets are available from Keith on 01744 886172 or text 07748 943903 and are priced at £4.