TWO St Helens policemen have appeared at Liverpool Crown Court charged with misconduct and supplying illegal bodybuilding steroids.

Sergeant Paul Hornby, 42, from Wigan stood in the dock alongside DC Paul David Fletcher, 46, from Winstanley and his son, also named Paul.

They are charged with conspiracy to supply class C drugs.

The officers also face allegations of misconduct in a public office.

The court heard that a number of other suspects are on police bail in relation to the case and it is not clear at this stage how many will face trial.

Wearing suits the three defendants facing charges observed the short hearing.

They are yet to enter plea.

A plea and case management hearing, at which they are expected to enter their pleas, will be held on Friday, August 26.

The Recorder of Liverpool, Judge Henry Globe QC set a trial date for Tuesday, November 15, which is estimated to take approximately three weeks.

All three were given conditional bail and told by Judge Globe that failure to attend any future hearings would result in a warrant being issued for their arrest.

Meanwhile, Merseyside Police confirmed three civilians, aged 23, 27 and 30, were arrested in March on suspicion of conspiracy to supply anabolic steroids.

All three men remain on police bail until June.