IS IT possible that we could have our own 'Boscastle' here in St Helens?

Well we have the right ingredients. We have our hills, though not as high. We have our valleys, though not as deep. We have our rivers, though not as turbulent and we have our floods.

Where is the river you might ask? The one I am thinking of flows in full spate down the side of Prescot Road, the A58 the main arterial road from St Helens to Liverpool, after heavy rain. It flows down Eccleston Hill past the Post Office to its flood plain by the Land Rover Sales Rooms.

For example on Wednesday, August 18, the river was flowing and the flood was there. If you were foolhardy enough to attempt to walk past you would have to wear a wet suit to protect you from the fountains of water being sprayed by the passing traffic.

Surely the main road has a drainage system you might say! It does have roadside grids and gullies but these are blocked solid with silt and grass and weeds growing from the top.

How about reporting the matter to the council? I have phoned several times during the last month without success. I am now going to seek the aid of some of our councillors. Maybe they can stir up some action from the responsible department.

KEVIN Meeghan, Eccleston Park (address supplied).