THE council is working with the people who light up the Eiffel Tower to add a special sparkle to our town's seasonal glow this Christmas.

In a bid to banish memories of 'light bulbs swinging in the wind', St Helens Council's Executive has ambitions for a major new festive lighting scheme in the town centre.

The high-profile illuminations would not only enhance existing facilities, but also improve the appearance and appeal of St Helens at what is the busiest time of year for town-centre retailers.

It all ties in with the new image being projected of St Helens with large parts of the centre already transformed, especially around the new George Street 'cultural quarter'. Plans for the new West Point leisure and retail complex are under consideration and the successful City Growth Strategy is giving a new vitality to the town.

Add to this proposals to improve the Duke Street area and plans for a new Central rail station, and it was felt that the time was right for a new and improved Christmas lighting project that would enhance the town's reputation as a 'great live, work and play destination'.

The council is working with one of Europe's best-known festive lighting companies, Blachere Illuminations UK - which numbers the Eiffel Tower in Paris among its previous clients - and is responding to both the business sector and public requests to improve the shopping experience over the Christmas period.

This three-year lighting scheme is subject to call in by the Overview and Scrutiny Commission for discussion.

Council leader, Marie Rimmer says: "The aim is for a high-impact, high-quality, modern-themed Christmas lighting scheme that reflects the quality-driven transformation of the borough and the ambitious future redevelopment agenda, that has already seen the town centre enter the UK retail top 100 for the first time".