WHERE exactly did the old Sutton flour mill stand in bygone times? That's one of two yedscratters raised by publican Tony Biggs.

A pair of regular elbow-benders at his Sutton Oak pub (originally the Boundary Vaults) in Bold Road, raised the mill query after they had recalled an old-timer mentioning that, long ago, he had helped a local farmer to harvest his crop before taking it to be milled in Junction Lane.

"I thought I knew a great deal about Sutton", says Tony, "but I can't place where the mill was. Any ideas?"

Another keen quaffer told Tony that his workmate had once said that he remembered drinking in the Victoria public house, behind the abattoir at the side of Clock Face railway station. Again, Tony is stumped. He recalls neither the pub nor its neighbouring abattoir.

CAN any of our Whalley's World sleuths provide a clue or two?