A SUPPORT centre offering counselling to rape or sexual abuse victims will open in the borough next month.

Women, men and young people who have been victims of sexual violence will be able to visit the centre.

The need for support was identified by project officers at the Warrington Rape and Abuse centre which has counselled a high number of victims from the St Helens borough. Lottery funding of £50,000 a year will enable the centre to open in Earlestown for the next three years.

Trained volunteer counsellors will provide support at the centre, police stations and courts. A telephone helpline will also be set up.

Ten volunteers have already being recruited and the centre will look to add another 30 to their team. To mark the launch an open morning will be on Wednesday, February 2, between 8.30am and 12.30pm.

If you would like to attend the event or are interested in voluntary opportunities at the centre contact Helen on 01925 221546 or email rasascssthelens@btconnect.com.