IN reply to your West Parker's letter (Are you serious about Liverpool's 'progress' under the Lib Dems? Dear Star, February 3). What short memories some people have. Remember the mess Lib Dems inherited from Labour in Liverpool not so very long ago?

Yes, I remember Derek Hatton's era. Taxi drivers being paid to run around the city handing out redundancy notices to teachers. That's how bad it was.

The electorate in Liverpool have given Lib Dems a massive 'thumbs up' each year since. Criticise Liverpool or the Lib Dems but please don't forget how bad it was under Labour control.

Liverpool has many achievements such as City of Culture and yes underfunding from Government causes many problems but clearly Liverpool people think the Lib Dems are doing a good job otherwise they wouldn't have control.

I.M, West Park (name and address supplied)