A DAD-OF-TWO who has been consistently helping people struggling wants to start a charity to push this selflessness further.

As you may have seen on social media or in previous Star articles, Jon Atherton is often one of the first to offer help when people have revealed their struggles online.

In an act applauded by many in the community, the dad-of-two spent £130 on new clothes for a homeless woman who had lined up a job interview last month, while also giving her further cash for food shopping as well as interview advice.

The 30-year-old woman, who admitted she had been struggling with her mental health, said she was "genuinely touched" by Jon's offer and his advice helped her in securing the job.

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Jon has become well known for his countless good deeds in St HelensJon has become well known for his countless good deeds in St Helens (Image: Jon Atherton) While Jon's act caught the attention of the community after the social media post, the 34-year-old has completed countless other good deeds over the past few years, including an act where he offered £80 to a struggling mum-of-three who was devastated when she lost cash while shopping.

In another social media post, Jon was recognised buying food, clothes, and a tent for a homeless person in Wigan, and he has offered financial assistance to many people who have been struggling to pay their food or electricity bills.

In addition to this, Jon, who runs the successful 'Roof Rangers' business, has also bought and hand-delivered hundreds of festive presents over the past four years, to make sure that kids wake up with a smile on their face on Christmas Day.

Jon said he wants to bring a smile to people's faces and show a good example to his kidsJon said he wants to bring a smile to people's faces and show a good example to his kids (Image: Jon Atherton) Admitting that he helps up to five people every week, Jon said: "This all started when I helped someone who was struggling a few years ago, and after I helped to put a smile on that person's face, it felt so rewarding.

"It felt good to do good and after a few more people came forward, things have just gone from there.

"It kills me when I hear some of the stories of people struggling to eat or heat their homes. It shouldn't be like this."

Jon has been buying and delivering Christmas presents to families over the past few yearsJon has been buying and delivering Christmas presents to families over the past few years (Image: Jon Atherton) With Jon trying to help as many people as he can, the dad-of-two wants to push his selflessness further by launching his own charity, but admitted he will need support to get this project off the ground.

Jon added: "It breaks my heart seeing people with nothing so I want to do what I can to help and make people smile.

"I'm lucky that my business is going well and I can afford to help people but I can't be there for everyone, and something needs to be done.

"I'm hoping that the council can back this idea and people can get behind me and support the charity once I get it going. That is the long-term goal."

With this year's Christmas project already on his mind, Jon is working with Evolution Fitness gym and Sprinkles and Nibbles event business to collect as many presents as possible and deliver toys to Alder Hey and Whiston Hospitals.