PLANS seeking to convert a unit at a business park into a gym have been refused permission because of its "out-of-centre" location.

Planning officers also said the proposals to change the use of a unit at Lea Green Business Park would cause a "loss of an employment-generating use" at the site.

The Star reported in August that the proposals for a former diagnostics lab at the location at Eurolink, Sutton Manor, had been submitted to the council.

The plans for the vacant Unit 12 at the site had been sent in by applicant Hannah Murphy, of Full Send Fitness.

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These stated there would be two part-time employees at the gym with "no physical changes" to the outside or inside of the building "except changing the sign on the exterior".

It was said "some gym equipment" will be taken in, described as a "four-bay squat rack which will be attached to the wall/floor".

However, planning officers have refused the application.

What council planners said

In a report, planning officer Alex Ball stated that policies "require such developments to be located in town centres, rather than edge of centre and out of centre sites with a preference given to accessible sites that are well connected to a town centre".

He said the proposed change of use to a gymnasium (health and fitness centre) is "classified as a main town centre use".

Mr Ball added: "Insufficient information has been submitted in relation to the sequential test to justify main town centre use on this site. 

"Evidence has not been provided to demonstrate there would not be a significant adverse impact to the vitality or viability of nearby centres and to adequately demonstrate there are no sequentially preferable alternative sites within an existing town centre or district/local centre, that could accommodate the use".

The planning officer also said the use would result in a "loss of an employment-generating use" at the location.

Mr Ball said: "The report also said that "insufficient information has been submitted to evidence that the premises no longer suitable or economically viable for the employment generating purpose, or the land use planning benefits of the proposed development would outweigh the benefits of retaining the building in its existing use. 

"Therefore, the proposal would result in the loss of an employment generating use which would be harmful to the economic vitality of the borough."

Planning permission was refused for the change of use.


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