A COMMUNITY ALLOTMENT is having a free launch day with a band and entertainment tomorrow after an abandoned piece of land has been transformed for everyone to use.

When Jen Glover discovered the land at the back of her home on Lonie Grove was abandoned, she thought it was the ideal place for an allotment – especially knowing that she had been on a wait list for a place for a while.

After contacting the council and Torus about acquiring the land, it was agreed that it could be turned into a space for the community and thus Lonie Lottie Community Allotment was born.

He sister Amanda, who is also running the site with Jen, said: “After a lot of back and forth it was agreed that we could turn it into a community allotment. A small path was put in at the front and fences/gates were install and the land was handed over to us.

“We started with just myself, my sister and dad. Luckily my dad's friends came and helped out occasionally too.

“We've worked very hard over the last 12 months to get it into a working allotment where other people in the community could join and we could gain the insurance we needed for others to join.”

The opening event will take place on Saturday, September 21 at the site between lonie Grove and Broadway and will include performances by Parr Band, children’s entertainment from Face2Face which includes face painting, music, games, balloon modelling, refreshments, painting, craft activities, colouring.

The event will run from 10am to 3pm.