THE government has taken the decision to only give the winter fuel allowance to those most in need who claim Pension Credit.

This was without doubt an extremely difficult choice and not one I or anyone else expected to have to make in our first few months in office, but the reality of the mess we’ve inherited means we can’t do everything we’d like to do and some very difficult decisions will be needed.

Like most people I am angry about this. I am reassured that the poorest will continue to receive the allowance but I have very close family members and friends just above the threshold and so I totally understand the anger and anxiety is has caused.

I have signed a motion in Parliament calling on government to review the threshold for Pension Credit, and I will be continuing to press Ministers to do more for those who are not eligible but who are still struggling.

It is important to note that Labour is committed to continue to protect the triple lock, guaranteeing the state pension rises each and every year.

We have also announced an extension of the household support fund and we are encouraging everyone eligible for Pension Credit to apply – something the Tories never did.

Please visit or call the Pension Credit claim line at 0800 99 1234.

You can also contact me at or call 01744 21336 and my office will be able to help with applications.

I recently visited Burrows Court in Parr to meet residents and I answered questions about this and other issues.

I was honest with them about the decision and my support for the government.

Like me, the residents weren’t happy about it but most understood and know exactly where the blame lies.

I have fought desperately to get the Tories out over the past 14 years. We all knew they’d left the country broken but we’ve found out that the economic inheritance is worse than expected with a previously unknown £22bn black hole in the country’s finances just this year.

That is what has forced the decision to restrict the winter fuel allowance to those who need it most.

I will be honest about the challenges we face and will always do all I can to protect the most vulnerable.

Best wishes to all Star readers.