THE government's plans to allow local communities to take back control of local bus services from "unaccountable" private operators across the country have been welcomed by the St Helens North MP David Baines.

Legislation is being laid before Parliament which will give areas new powers to run their own bus services - powers previously limited to Mayoral Combined Authorities.

Transport minister Simon Lightwood said “enough is enough” over the country’s declining bus services as the Government laid regulations in Parliament to give transport authorities and councils the ability to run their own bus services for the first time since 1986.

Local control

The move means that local leaders across the country, including in St Helens, can deliver services in a way that suits the needs of their communities.

Locally, Star readers have repeatedly voiced concerns over bus services in St Helens and whether they adequately serve the needs of passengers.

David Baines wants to see more local control over bus servicesDavid Baines wants to see more local control over bus services (Image: Stock)

Last year, as the Star reported, the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) formally adopted a franchising model that will give it the power to set fares and routes across the six council areas.

Franchised services are set to begin in St Helens in 2026 and introduced across the Liverpool region by the end of 2027, the new system will allow greater local control of fares, timetables and routes.

The Labour Government has also launched a consultation on new draft guidance to provide advice and support for local leaders looking to bring services into public control.

This new, simplified guidance will help break down barriers to local control of bus services, speeding up the process and bringing down costs.

'Reliable, affordable and regular'

In a statement, David Baines, MP for St Helens North said: “Reliable, affordable and regular buses are the difference between opportunity and isolation for people in St Helens North.

"For too long, under the Conservatives, bus services were decimated both locally and across the country.

"Labour’s new reforms build on the work that we have already begun here in our region.

"At a local level we have been determined to improve bus services and bring them back under public ownership, and now we have a government which fully backs those plans for everyone. Labour’s plans will put people and passengers before profit and shareholders."

However, the plans to give local authorities the power to take over the running of bus services may need “enormous” levels of subsidy, the Conservatives have warned.

Shadow transport minister Kieran Mullan said moves to reverse Margaret Thatcher’s deregulation of the bus services could prove costly, and that the announcement in the Commons on Monday afternoon did not mention any new funding.

Depending on the number of local authorities that chose to take up franchising, that could mean significant central Government resources are required

Currently only metro mayors can control services this way, including in Manchester and London.

Dr Mullan told the Commons: “We know there are a number of local authorities facing financial and organisational challenges, and whilst I don’t doubt there will be enthusiasm to make use of these new powers, running any form of public transport brings with it real challenges.”

He added: “Depending on the number of local authorities that chose to take up franchising, that could mean significant central Government resources are required.

“Unless I’ve missed it, today’s announcement looks to include absolutely no funding to pay for increased capacity at the department.”

Transport Secretary Louise Haigh called the reforms a “bus revolution” that could save vital routes nationwide.

Mr Lightwood said an announcement on funding would follow in the Buses Bill that will be announced later this year.

He told MPs: “(It will) deliver further measures on issues such as funding, despite the challenging financial circumstances we find ourselves in, inherited from the previous government.”

MPs were told by Mr Lightwood there are now 300 million fewer miles of bus journeys driven a year since 2010. Overall 1.5 billion fewer journeys took place in 2019 compared to 1985, the final year before deregulation ended.

Mr Lightwood said that funding would be considered as part of the spending review.

It comes as ministers are “urgently” considering whether to continue a scheme which capped local bus fares at £2.

The measure was introduced in September 2022 during the cost-of-living crisis to help people travel despite the rising price of fuel and goods. It was later extended until November this year, although the fare has since risen to £2.50.

Mr Lightwood said: “We’re looking at the future of the £2 fare cap as a matter of urgency, and we’re considering the most appropriate and affordable approach, and we’ll update the House in due course.”

Conservative former transport minister Richard Holden said: “(It) has been a real success, particularly for access to education opportunities and those in lower-paid work in rural areas, because I think it’s something that has really helped drive bus passenger numbers since the end of the pandemic upwards.”