FORMER boxer Martin Murray has voiced support for one of his young fighters who was seriously wounded in a horrific stabbing.

As reported by the Star last week, the teenager was stabbed multiple times in Pennine Drive, Parr on Monday night, September 2.

The 14-year-old has been continuing to undergo hospital treatment after suffering "life-changing" injuries.

One arrest so far

It was reported he was stabbed multiple times by two men, who reportedly ran off into nearby Gaskell Park.

Last week, police revealed they had arrested a 19-year-old from Newton-le-Willows in connection with the stabbing.

He was questioned on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm with intent and released on bail pending further inquiries.

Murray, former boxer who grew up in Fingerpost, is heavily invested in the youth of Parr, having set up the Think Fast Academy to support youngsters there.

He also coaches at the Parr-based Wildcard ABX boxing club and says the victim of the attack is a young fighter from there.

Murray has used his social media platform to condemn the attack and the epidemic of knife crime nationally.

He has also set up a GoFundMe page, so that people can offer the teenager and his family financial support during his recovery.

'Unimaginable pain'

On the fundraising page, it states how the victim is a promising amateur boxer who has "suffered life changing physical and mental injuries that will unfortunately stay with him, and his family for the rest of their lives".

The page adds: "I have set this GofundMe page up in the hope that we can all raise enough funds for him and his family to go on a little holiday, or do something that can take their minds off this traumatic event once he's able to walk again.

"The pain and hurt that they've all gone through is unimaginable."

"No child, family or friend should have to go through this type of pain and I thought I'd get this page going to show them that they've got the support of our community at such a difficult time."

So far the appeal has raised more than £900.

In a video condemning knife crime, Murray added: “What’s going on at all? It’s bad enough kids stabbing kids (but) grown men stabbing kids.

“He’s lucky but how long till one of our kids locally who’s not lucky?

“Something needs to be done drastically. I don’t know what it is, council need to stand up, and police. They need to stand up and support our area in St Helens, Parr. We’re not getting the support we need.

“There’s good people out there trying to do good things and trying to prevent things like this.

"A bit of support would be really appreciated and hopefully we can stop this pandemic of knife crime."

Martin launched the academy in 2021 and it delivers educational sessions on matters including knife crime, county lines drug trafficking, domestic violence and drug and alcohol awareness.

How to contact police

In a statement issued last week, Merseyside Police said: "The victim continues to recover from his injuries, inquiries remain ongoing and witnesses are still encouraged to come forward.

"Anyone with information can contact us @MerPolCC, 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 with reference 24000759909."