A "LOVELY little boy" is still searching for a kidney transplant after a planned operation fell through at the final hurdle.

After the joy of giving birth to her first son in 2016, Natalie Thomas was called back to the hospital just six days later as it was revealed that her "desperately poorly" baby had a rare form of chronic kidney disease.

With doctors finding thirty cysts on baby Harry's kidneys, the "little superhero" has been on daily medication and had several hospital trips throughout his young life.

Back in 2019, the Star reported how the three-year-old was searching for a kidney transplant, and although an operation was eventually planned at Manchester Children's Hospital last week, doctors had to let the devastated family know that the organ was in fact not suitable for the courageous eight-year-old.

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Harry on his first day at Merton Bank primary schoolHarry on his first day at St Mary's primary school (Image: Diane Parkinson)
After the disappointment of the transplant falling through, family friend Kelley Garth has set up an online fundraiser to help raise money for the family to go to Disneyland Paris, which is one of Harry's lifelong dreams.

To keep Harry's story and organ donation in people's minds, Kelley and her son will also 'Brave the Shave' on her 50th birthday, on Tuesday, October 15, with the pair committed to shaving their heads to raise more money for the family holiday.

Harry has been a frequent visitor at hospital throughout his young lifeHarry has been a frequent visitor at hospital throughout his young life (Image: Diane Parkinson)
Speaking about Harry, Kelley said: "Harry has been through so much at such a young age, and he never whines or moans, and doesn't ask for anything.

"I know grown-ups who complain about such trivial things, but Harry just gets on with it. He's a little superhero.

"He is such a lovely little boy and it's just this disease that is stopping him from living a normal life, because in the blink of an eye, he may need to be rushed back to hospital.

"I did a head shave for Willowbrook Hospice around eight years ago, so after Harry's transplant fell through, I thought I would do it again for the family because it has been devastating for them.

"For me, it's only hair and it will grow back, but for Harry, it's one of his dreams to visit Disneyland and the Eiffel Tower, so I don't think that's too much to ask."

Mum Natalie and nan Diane have long been fighting Harry's cornerMum Natalie and nan Diane have long been fighting Harry's corner (Image: Diane Parkinson)
As well as Kelley and Harry's mum, someone else who has been fighting the St Mary's pupil's corner is his grandmother Diane Parkinson, who has consistently raised awareness of Harry's story and the importance of organ donation on social media.

In a recent post about Harry's transplant, Diane said: "Sadly we've just had the sad news Harry's transplant won't be going ahead, the deceased kidney was not suitable, [so it's] back to the top of the list!

"We're absolutely blown away with all your beautiful messages of support, it means so much to us all!

"We will keep you all updated! Hopefully we're not waiting too long, keep our beautiful boy in your prayers."

To donate towards Kelley's fundraiser for Harry and the family, you can visit this link. You can find out more information about chronic kidney disease here and NHS organ donation here.

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