PLAY equipment at a park has been destroyed in what council chiefs say was an "act of criminal vandalism".

Staff from the council’s parks service found that a rope swing in Taylor Park’s children’s play area had been completely destroyed by fire on Monday morning.

The grass underneath it was left scorched.

Staff made the area safe and reported the matter to Merseyside Police.

The equipment - which the council is planning to replace - was a Viking swing, consisting of a woven rope log hanging from several chains which children can coordinate to swing together.

In a statement, Councillor Seve Gomez-Aspron MBE, cabinet member for transport and environment, said: “Mindless acts of criminal vandalism like this are deeply frustrating, costing us thousands to make safe and replace, and robbing children and young people of access to free park play equipment.

“People like this are nothing short of a drain on society.

"If you have any information which could lead to justice, please share it in confidence with Merseyside Police, quoting case number 24000 758404.”