PROPOSALS to create a 25m-high phone mast on land have been withdrawn.

The plans sought prior approval to install the lattice mast at Home Farm, on Chapel Lane, Rainhill.

An application was put together by Icon Tower Infrastructure Ltd and planning agents Entrust Professional Services.

A cover letter in the plans stated that Icon Tower Infrastructure is "a code operator approved by Ofcom, to submit a Prior Notification Application for the proposed installation of telecommunications apparatus at the (proposed) location.

"This location has been identified as being necessary for specific technical and operational requirements."

In the application, the proposals include for the installation of a "new sharable 25m lattice mast which is collocated with one electricity transmission tower which is host to telecommunications approximately 315m to the southwest, and one electricity transmission tower 277m to the northwest".

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The proposal also included the "installation of seven cabinets, six antennas on one headframe, 2.4m high palisade fencing and ancillary development thereto".

Plans added: "The new base station is required due to the existing mast being unsuitable for the necessary upgrade of equipment.

"Additionally, the proposed mast will future proof the site as it has the capacity to host multiple operators’ equipment and the ability to host 5G technologies."

A separate document in the plans states: "This proposal is necessary as the electricity transmission tower, 315m to the southwest of the proposal, is not capable of carrying upgrades and are also expensive to maintain.

"It is therefore deemed the best solution to have a separate mast with telecommunications equipment that will be shareable and future-proofed, located in an area where the principle of development has already been established."

Plans added: "The proposal is more than 200m away from any nurseries, schools and colleges".

The application has since been withdrawn, a notice on the council's planning portal has confirmed.

A reason for the withdrawal was not cited but in the notice, planning officers told the applicant if they intend to resubmit the application, it is suggested they first speak to the case officer to discuss amendments or revisions to the proposals.