BREAST cancer patients from St Helens and Knowsley are being asked to take part in a research study that will be used to improve services in the future.

Members of the research team at Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust are working with Edge Hill University to collect the opinions and experiences of patients pre, during and post COVID-19 to help understand the impact of the pandemic and how people feel services could be improved moving forward.

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Diane Martin Baez, who is leading on the study for the Trust, said: “Breast cancer services were among many in the NHS that were impacted by Covid, and we are looking to understand the real impact this had on people.

“Patients who take part will undertake a face-to-face interview with a researcher which will last approximately 90 minutes and will be asked several questions about their views, opinions and experiences of the care they received.

“The patient will be free to answer however they like. There are no right or wrong answers as we just want to know everyone’s personal thoughts and feelings, good and bad.’’