THE much-loved co-owner of Momo's had her last day in the cafe yesterday.

First launching the business in 2017, Momo's moved to the end of Westfield Street in 2019 and the cafe has been a hugely popular venue thanks to its tasty food menu and welcoming atmosphere.

The venue has also become a cherished home for various community groups, with a safe space offered for neurodiverse groups, history clubs, mental health networks, catering experience, and many more.

With co-owner of Momo's, Claire Rigby, deciding to go in a different direction and follow her passion for history and heritage, she worked her last day at the cafe on Friday, August 30. 

The cafe will continue to be run by co-owner Colin Clemmitt, and is now temporarily known as 'Q Cafe CIC' until the business' new name and rebranding is officially unveiled in the next month or so.

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Colin will continue to run the Westfield Street cafeColin will continue to run the Westfield Street cafe (Image: St Helens Star)
In a public statement on social media, Claire said: "Someone once said to me, if you could bring anything back from the past, what would it be. My answer was 'that everyone knew the names of all of their neighbours, I would bring back community spirit'.

"Momo's is not just bricks and mortar, it’s a philosophy. It’s community, it’s making new friends, it building something, it’s sharing.

"So instead of you coming to me, I’m going to start coming to you. My goal is to bring that sense of community back, and I’m going do that through telling stories.

"I’m going to bring back the pride and love of St Helens."

More information about the cafe and Clare's new business will be revealed in the coming weeks.

 The cafe will undergo a rebrand in the coming weeksThe cafe will undergo a rebrand in the coming weeks (Image: St Helens Star)