A WOMAN has been disqualified from driving after being caught drink driving.

On Sunday, June 30, Joanne Foster was the driver of a car that caused damage to another vehicle on Old Lane in Prescot.

Subsequent tests revealed that Foster, also of Old Lane, was over the prescribed alcohol limit and she pleaded guilty to the offence on Friday, August 2, at Liverpool and Knowsley Magistrates Court.

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Foster, 52, was also charged with failing to stop after a road accident and failing to give her name and address when required to do so.

However, this was withdrawn by the prosecutor after Foster pleaded not guilty to this offence, with it decided not to be in the public interest to proceed to trial on this matter.

For the drink driving offence, magistrates disqualified Foster from driving for 20 weeks and ordered her to complete a course.

She was also fined £250 and ordered to pay £85 court costs and a £100 surcharge.