A FORMER pub owner has denied fraudulently obtaining a bank loan for business purposes.

Gary Wright, who owned the Talbot Ale House on Duke Street, appeared before Liverpool Crown Court on Wednesday, August 28.

Wright, 45, pleaded not guilty to a charge of fraud.

The charge relates to a £25,000 loan from Barclays Bank in June 2020.

He is accused of making a false representation that the loan obtained was to be used for business purposes and not personal.

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Judge Simon Medland KC set a trial date for the week of May 12, 2025, estimated to last two to three days.

A pre-trial review was scheduled for November 14 which the defendant must attend.

Judge Medland said to Wright: “This matter is adjourned for trial. The trial will be the week commencing May 12 next year.

“The next hearing in this case you are required to attend is November 14.”

Wright, of Bleak Hill Road, Windle, was granted unconditional bail until then.