A MUM was caught on a Ring Doorbell "pummelling" a woman as she sat on top of her and punched her to the face.

Kara Kearns "saw red" and knocked the woman to the floor on her own doorstep, leaving her with ‘nasty injuries’, including a facial fracture.

The 29-year-old of Station Road, Haydock, appeared before Liverpool Crown Court on Tuesday, August 27, after pleading guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH).

The incident happened in February of this year when Kearns showed up at the complainant’s house in Haydock and knocked on her door.

It was heard how the two women were "associates" but were not friends.

The attack was captured on a Ring Doorbell and the footage was shown to the courtroom.

Kearns can be seen knocking on the door and then walking down the path to stand outside of the gate.

When the complainant answered, she walked down the path before things "erupted into violence".

Kearns can be seen "swinging and punching", causing the complainant to fall to the floor.

While on the floor, Kearns sat on top of her "astride" and began repeatedly punching her to the face while screaming at her.

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The court heard how Kearns later told officers that she was angry and was acting in self-defence as she thought she was going to be attacked.

A victim impact statement was read to the court in which it was heard how the complainant sustained injuries to her eye socket, a facial fracture, an injury to her ear drum and that she kept blacking out, fainting, and vomiting following the incident.

She said she felt she was unable to defend herself against Kearns and that she could not see her own children for a month due to her physical injuries and appearance.

The courtroom was told how the ‘lasting damage goes beyond the injuries’ and that the woman now struggles with feelings of fear, anxiety and depression.

Defending, Fiona Lamb said her client plead guilty to the offence through "genuine remorse".

She said: “She is genuinely upset that anyone in this court would sit there and think she is a bad person when she is not.

“She wasn’t in a good place, she doesn’t know what happened, she just snapped and saw red.

“She accepts that she took it too far, but everyone has a breaking point.

“This is somebody that has made a mistake and wants to change.”

Ms Lamb said that the women’s relationship was "toxic and complex".

Kearns has no previous convictions.

Before sentencing, Recorder Jeremy Lasker said: “The incident, which dates back to February of this year, occurred at the house of the complainant.

“The complainant is a lady probably of similar age to you and it is clear that you knew each other that there was a degree of animosity between you and on February 17,  you decided to go round to her house.

“The incident is caught on the recording from the doorbell, so I have watched it.

“I am prepared to accept that you didn’t go round there intending to give her a good hiding, I form that impression partly by the fact that having knocked on the door you actually retreated back to outside the garden gate and I saw how the complainant came out to see you, which she was entitled to.

“There is no doubt that within seconds it had erupted into violence.

“I know that you have said to the police when you were interviewed that for most of the incident she was holding your hair and grabbing you

“You were swinging, and you punched her and you knocked her to the floor.

“You were on top of her and there is no doubt that in the course of that struggle that your top came off probably because she was holding it.

“But probably what makes it more serious is your continuing attack while you sat astride her on the floor while punching her several times to the face.

“I am prepared to accept it was out of character for you.

“You should be ashamed of yourself and from what I read you probably are ashamed of yourself.

“You caused her some nasty injuries, the photographs speak for themselves.

“She got a good pummelling to her face, her face was also puffed up. You struck her hard enough to fracture her eye socket.

“She needed a number of appointments at hospital until she was finally discharged in March, two weeks after the incident.”

Kearns was handed a 10-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months.

She must also complete up to 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days