AN AMBULANCE at Sunday's St Helens Gala Fest was damaged by a man who climbed on to the vehicle's roof and walked across it.

The incident, which happened while crews were responding to treat a patient at the event, caused damage to the ambulance's sky light.

St Helens-based Urgent Care North West, which had been called to provide medical services, and event organisers the Steve Prescott Foundation have condemned the man's "idiotic" actions and have appealed for information.

The mindless behaviour is said to have disrupted treatment for the patient who needed taking to hospital.

Appeal for information

In an appeal Urgent Care North West said: "He was a white male with dark hair, wearing a dark blue long-sleeved top, denim shorts, and white trainers.

"Please contact us with information or footage so that he can be asked to pay for damages confidentially.

"Alternatively, contact Merseyside Police (reference 868 25/8/24)."

The medical team stressed that the vast majority of visitors to the one-day festival at Ruskin Drive sportsground - which involved a series of musical tribute acts - showed appreciation for its team.

Their statement added: "We would like to emphasise that whilst we are saddened that the unacceptable actions of individuals like this taint the excellent work of the charity and the event team in organising events like this for the community, this is not representative of the vast majority of event attendees who appreciate our purpose in keeping you safe and showed nothing but appreciation to our team."

'Deeply saddened'

Meanwhile, Martin Blondel on behalf of St Helens Gala also appealed for information.

He said: “We are deeply saddened about this incident and urge anybody with any information to get in touch (details above) or contact myself on 07971792859.

"Acts like this are totally unacceptable and has no part in any of our charitable events.

"We would like to thank 99% of our attendees who partied in the appropriate festival manner.

"We would also like to thank Urgent Care North West for their professionalism on all aspects of the Gala.”