PLANS for a car sales and repair centre and two light industrial units have been granted permission.

Proposals were sent to the council last year for land to the south of Polar Ford at Scorecross and Sullivans Way in Peasley Cross.

A design and access statement, prepared by planning agents Revival Architecture on behalf of applicants Prescot Self Drive, says the "proposal is for the construction of a new build car sales, rental and repair centre and two. Light Industrial units".

It adds the "main building contains a two-storey office building with customer areas to the ground floor and staff office space to the first floor".

Plans stated the application is in keeping with a previously approved bid for the site with "minor changes to the site layout for the introduction of a further two Light industrial units, which complement the main PSD building".

It was said "they do not change the use or character of the scheme. The changes have arisen following a client review of their business needs over the last few years and changing economic climate within the motor industry.

"The materials and design approach to the proposal have stayed in keeping with previously approved schemes; along with the scale and height of the buildings and general site layout, which includes similar parking spaces to the previous schemes in line with our client’s business model".

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Plans added: "The scheme still looks to provide an attractive commercial proposal that will sit well in the surrounding context.

"The spacious thought-out design provides highly functional buildings improving the efficiency of the end users.

"The proposal represents a viable opportunity to develop a vacant site for a suitable use".

Recommending approval of the application, planning officer Stephen Gill said in a report: "The development would deliver economic growth and job expansion on a previously developed site, and therefore, the principle of development is acceptable.

"The redevelopment of a brownfield site, the expansion of an existing business, along with the additional job creation and economic growth would bring benefits that are given significant weight in the planning balance."

Permission for the development was granted.