PLANS to extend a retail facility at a prominent petrol station have been granted approval.

Proposals have been submitted to council planners in relation to Ashcroft Service Station, known as Essar, in Fingerpost, by applicant Shaji Thomas. 

Plans are for the creation of a single-storey extension to the retail store, Ashcroft Convenience, following the removal of a steel container at the Ashcroft Street premises.

A description of the proposed works in the plans states they are to "demolish storage area adjacent to the kiosk" and for "removal of steel container and erect single-storey extension to retail kiosk".

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A planning officer's report noted the extension "would be used for additional shop floor".

It added: "The building measures 7.5m in width, by 6.4m in depth with a ridge height of 3m.

"The floor area of the building is 32 sq m. The window openings would match the existing openings to the building.

"It is noted that the steel container and store have already been removed from site. The removal of these structure does not require planning permission."

Recommending approval, planning officer Alex Ball added: "The development would be used as additional sales floor area to the existing convenience store.

"Given that the extension would allow an existing business to expand and the limited size of the development, I consider that the proposal would accord with the NPPF, and policies [...] of the St Helens LP (Local Plan)."

Planning permission was granted.