PLANS have been drawn up to widen the access path at the entrance of a park to enable works to reduce sewage spills during heavy rain.

Proposals seek to widen the access point into Sunshine Park, off Gaskell Street. 

Sunshine Park is a small area of open green space crossed by footpaths, accessed from a path leading off Gaskell Street, which the application proposes to amend.

A design and access statement in the plans says the proposals are "to widen the access bell mouth from Gaskell Street into Sunshine Park, St Helens.

"This work will enable construction vehicles to access the site to conduct upgrade works to the Gaskell Street CSO (under permitted development rights), including the construction of an underground detention tank and above-ground kiosk to reduce sewage spills during heavy rainfall events."

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It added: "In the absence of any adverse impacts that outweigh the benefits of the scheme, and that the Proposed Development is not in conflict with the Development Plan, planning permission should be granted".

The application is on standard consultation until Friday, September 6. 

A determination deadline has been set for October 8.