A MAN smashed up his girlfriend's house following a night out during which he became "jealous" of her talking to her friends.

The court heard that Richard Wadsworth, 39, left a voicemail on the woman's phone saying he was "going to blow her door off" after the couple had been out on March 1 this year.

Wadsworth was appearing at Liverpool Crown Court for sentencing after he pleaded guilty to charges of causing criminal damage and making threats to damage property.

Prosecutor Shannon Stewart described how Wadsworth and the woman had been in an "on-off relationship for four years".

The couple were on a night out with a friend but Wadsworth "became jealous" and left before contacting the woman and making various threats including saying he would "smash up her house" and "blow her door off and take the dog back".

When the woman returned home to her address in Newton le Willows, she saw Wadsworth leaving and called the police. 

On entering the property with the police they found the lock was damaged, a mirror wardrobe had its doors removed and a glass oven door had been smashed. 

Ms Stewart said the woman was left "scared and petrified".

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Wadsworth was not arrested at the time but handed himself in at a police station on March 5. 

He has 17 previous convictions for 38 offences, including a Section 18 GBH offence committed in 2014. 

Brendan Carville, defending, said Wadsworth had suffered "drug and drink problems" but had a "good work record".

He added that Wadsworth was no longer together with the woman and lived with his mother. 

Passing sentence, Judge Simon Medland, said Wadsworth was "capable of committing very serious offences". 

He added: "With your character, unless you control it, you have a volcanic temper."

Judge Medland handed Wadsworth, of Merewood Avenue, Manchester, an eight month prison sentence suspended for two years and ordered him to carry our 100 hours of unpaid work and attend eight rehabilitation days.

He added: "Keep out of her (the woman's) way and lead a straightforward, simple life."