A 19-YEAR-OLD man who recently recovered from cancer for a second time is sharing his story so others with "hidden" symptoms can get help quickly.

Brad Miller-Stout, from Sutton, was just a fun-loving teenager, enjoying time with family and friends when he started feeling tired and suffering night sweats.

He was losing a dramatic amount of weight, so much so he thought he had to quit his job as he was not able to care for others.

He was persuaded by family to see a doctor who found a mass in his neck and diagnosed it as Hodgkin Lymphoma.

(Image: Brad now)

Following his diagnosis, he underwent a gruelling 11 months of treatment which led to him being cancer free last year.

However, earlier this year, after finding another mass in his neck, and went to Whiston Hospital.

He said: “I ended up not being able to wait basically, so I went to Whiston and explained what happened last time. They not only agreed that it could be another lump like the others but that I had another just above that one.

“In the space of two weeks I had a biopsy and they ultimately said I had to have more chemo, I underwent two cycles, nine hours of chemo then one hour of it. All together I had to have six cycles before the doctors told me that there is no longer any sign of cancer in my body.

“Because of it coming back I’m soon going into hospital to have a stem cell transplant as it should stop it ever coming back.

“I was most upset last time at losing my hair and eyebrows, and even though it hasn’t happened yet this time, I've been told the stem cell treatment will lead to me losing my hair.

“But it’s all worth it if I never have to go through this again.”

Brad undergoing treatmentBrad undergoing treatment (Image: Brad undergoing treatment)

Due to his hospital date being the day after what will be his 20th birthday on August 26, Brad’s family held an early 20th birthday party last week so he can enjoy it and not risk getting ill before his procedure.

He added: “My close family like my mum and dad and that have been so supportive and my friends I’m just so glad I listened to my own feelings about the lump and pushed for it to be checked.

“I was only 18 when this first happened, you never think cancer, but if my story can help others get checked then it’s worth sharing it.”

According to the NHS, Hodgkin Lymphoma is an uncommon and aggressive cancer that develops in the lymphatic system, which is a network of vessels and glands.

The most common symptom of Hodgkin lymphoma is a painless swelling in a lymph node, usually in the neck, armpit or groin.

Hodgkin lymphoma can develop at any age, but it mostly affects young adults in their early 20s and older adults over the age of 70. Slightly more men than women are affected.

The lump on Brad's neckThe lump on Brad's neck (Image: The lump on Brad's neck)

What are the symptoms of Hodgkin lymphoma?

The most common symptom of Hodgkin lymphoma is a swelling in the neck, armpit or groin. The swelling is usually painless, although some people find that it aches.

Other symptoms are:

• night sweats

• unintentional weight loss

• a high temperature (fever)

• a persistent cough or feeling of breathlessness

• persistent itching of the skin all over the body

If you have any of these symptoms and are concerned, please visit your GP.

For more information go to nhs.uk/conditions/hodgkin-lymphoma

To follow Brad's cancer fighting journey, follow him on TikTok via tiktok.com/@x.bm04.x