ST HELENS Council has confirmed that the benches in Victoria Square have been removed due to "concerns" regarding "street drinkers" gathering in the town centre.

This week it was noted by the Star and the public that a number of benches have been removed from directly outside the town hall in St Helens.

On being questioned as to why, St Helens Council responded with the following statement.

'Street drinkers'

A St Helens Borough Council spokesperson said: “Responding to concerns from residents, local businesses and council staff regarding ongoing noise and disturbance from street drinkers in and around Victoria Square, a new multi-agency group has been established to tackle these particular issues of anti-social behaviour.

“We have taken the decision to remove a small number of benches from Victoria Square while more targeted strategies are developed.

“Wanting to limit the impact of a few on the vast majority of residents who visit the town centre, this is a temporary measure to assess the effectiveness and we are leaving plenty of seating on the square while we address the wider issues.”

The town hall is used for a variety of purposes. It continues to be used as a working space for some council employees and houses the offices of the council leader and the mayor's parlour.

Wedding venue

Committee meetings take place inside the venue and it also houses a number of events, including weddings.

Some of the benches removed were nearby the steps that lead in and out of the town hall.

The Star has learned of a number of reports of drunken men congregating on the benches during the daytime.

A number of other benches still remain in the square.