PLANS have been drawn up for an extension to a church's hall to enable it to continue its activities. 

Proposals have been drawn up for the creation of a single-storey front and side extension to the Sunday School Hall at Christ Church Haydock United Reform Church, on West End Road.

The Star recently reported after plans to convert the vacant main church building into supported living apartments were submitted.

A design and access statement in the plans, prepared by Architecture Julien Denis, on behalf of the elders of Christ Church Haydock URC, says: "The existing church building at Christ Church has been vacated and is about to be converted into supported living accommodation by the new owners.

"The activities of the church are currently taking place from the Sunday School Hall which is going to be separated from the adjacent former church building by erecting a party wall in the corridor internally".

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Plans add: "The proposal is to extend the Sunday School Hall to enable the church to carry out their work.

"Currently the main hall is being used both as a congressional space for church and as a community centre.

"Currently the church’s biggest draw is the well-attended ‘Messy Church” session held for both children and parents on Saturdays. The Youth Club, Girls’ Brigade and Mother & Tots sessions are also very popular with regularly over 40 attendees in each.

"The proposed extension will enable various community engagement activities to take place while the church hall is in use, during regular church service and/or double-up as a function room at weddings and funerals".

The application adds "it is proposed to create an additional 88m2 to be used as a community hall adjacent to the Sunday School Hall".

The proposal also involves "the creation of a landscaped area at the front of the building".

Plans conclude: "Along with the new community hall made possible by extending the existing building to the side, internal improvements to the layout which are to be gained from the proposal are essential and will enable Christ Church Haydock URC to pursue its community / church activities on site, as it has done since 1891 when the church was built."

The application is on standard public consultation until Tuesday, September 3 and a decision is expected by October 1.