PERMISSION is being sought to build houses on land.

Two applications have been sent to council planners for permission in principle to construct a property on land between 111 and 113 Carr Mill Road, Billinge.

In documents in the plans, drawn up by P Wilson & Company on behalf of applicant Anita De Cunha Soares, it is said that the application site is in the green belt.

Both plans state the applications “comprise the limited residential infilling of the existing built-up frontage of Carr Mill Road” adding that “as such, the principle of this development complies with exception ‘Limited Infilling in Villages’”.

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The application adds “the proposed development is considered to be, in principle, compliant with both local and national green belt planning policy”.

The plans also cite the previous approval for two properties just to the north of the application site, in 2023.

Both applications are on standard consultation to the public, with a decision by council planners on them expected by early September.