MOTORISTS have been warned that a busy junction close to St Helens town centre will be closed for several days.

As part of the 'By Ours' project, the junction around North Road, Windle Street, and Lord Street will be closed from Monday, August 5 until Friday, August 9.

The project will install traffic calming measures and improve walking and cycling routes to help reduce carbon emissions and air pollution.

Access is being maintained though for the properties in that stretch and diversion routes are also in place.

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Traffic calming measures will be installed around Cowley HillTraffic calming measures will be installed around Cowley Hill (Image: St Helens Council)
The By Ours project has been developed in partnership with Sustrans, an active travel charity, and the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority.

St Helens has been one of the first districts to trial the project, with the council securing more than £500,000 for initiatives and improvements around the Cowley Hill area.

Following public consultations with residents, new measures will be installed including a signalised crossing on Duke Street, to the west of Hamer Street, as well as improved accessibility and dropped kerbs from Bishop Road to North Road.

Traffic calming measures are also planned around the junctions of Bishop Road and Wynne Road, Wynne Road and Cowley Hill Lane, Cowley Hill Lane and Windle Street, Windle Street, Stanhope Street, and Morello Close, as well as Windle Street, North Road, and Lord Street.

A 'Pocket Park' is planned on the green space off Cooper StreetA 'Pocket Park' is planned on the green space off Cooper Street (Image: St Helens Council)
A new 'Pocket Park' is also planned around Cooper Street and Chapel Street, which will include a new footpath between Cooper Street and Halefield Street.

A new active travel route will also run through the park providing a shared use footway and cycleway across Bishop Road Playing Fields.

This is hoped to better link the community to local primary schools and green amenities, and will incorporate tree planting, bin storage, improved lighting, and cycle storage.