THE creation of a canopy to cover an open service yard at a warehouse can go ahead as council planners ruled it would not have a detrimental visual impact on the vicinity.

Proposals were drawn up for the warehouse facility at 17 Westside, at Jackson Street Industrial Estate, by applicant Mr Wright, of haulage firm Chrisalis Worldwide.

A design and access statement by agents Philip Lambert Architecture said the plans are for "the building of a canopy to cover a section of the service yard to the east of the existing building".

Plans add that "previously agreed planning permission is in the process" of being implemented at the site.

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The statement added: "The proposed canopy will allow loading and loading of the vehicles without staff or goods being subject to weather conditions.

"If permitted, this new canopy will be erected at the same time as the commencement of the approved scheme".

Plans state the warehouse site will be 2,646sq m. The canopy is "proposed to sit over the north end of the existing 550sq m service yard.

"The proposed canopy will provide shelter of 140sq m leaving the remaining 410sq m of service yard uncovered.

"The canopy will sit just higher than the 4.3m boundary wall/fence." 

The statement concludes: "The inclusion of a canopy will create a better working environment for employees and will allow the business as it moves forward to fulfil the requirements of its customers."

Planning officer Kim Vo said in a report recommending approval: "Given that the proposal is an open structure, it would not appear dominating or as an overbearing addition along the street scene of West Side.

"As such, it is considered that the proposal would not have a significant detrimental impact on visual amenity".

The application was granted permission.