AN Ofsted focused visit found social workers ‘know their children and families well’ and ‘understand the complexities’ of social work in St Helens.

St Helens Children’s Services had received its last Ofsted ILACS (Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services) inspection between July 10 and 21, 2023 – the findings from the inspection were published in September.

The overall judgement was ‘good’.

In the judgement areas, the impact of leaders on social work practice with children and families was rated ‘good’, the experiences and progress of children who need help and protection was rated ‘requires improvement to be good’, the experiences and progress of children in care was rated ‘good’, and the experiences and progress of care leavers was rated ‘outstanding’.

Ofsted then carried out a focused visit on April 24 and 25 this year, with inspectors looking at the local authority’s arrangements for children in need and those subject to a protection plan.

A report will come before the council’s cabinet at its meeting on Wednesday, July 31, to inform members of the outcome of this visit.

Members are recommended to note the Ofsted letter, and to note the ‘improvements that have been achieved and the continued improvement journey that the service is on’.

The Ofsted letter, dated July 12, summarised the findings of the focused visit to St Helens children’s services on April 24 and 25.

It stated that the visit considered a range of evidence, including case discussions with social workers and managers, children’s case records and the local authority’s quality assurance arrangements.

In the letter, it said: “Since the last ILACS inspection in July 2023, when services were judged to be good overall, the senior leadership team, supported by the lead member and the wider council, has continued to develop and improve outcomes for the children and families of St Helens.

“The areas highlighted for improvement at the inspection have been advanced by senior leaders and consistent development is being made in a timely way that supports improvements in outcomes for children.

“Services for children and families remain a high priority across the council and aspirational plans are in place to improve services further. The needs of children and families subject to children in need or protection planning are understood.

“Children subject to child in need or child protection planning in St Helens receive a consistent and effective service. Children are seen regularly by skilled and committed social workers who know the importance of showing patience, kindness and understanding in engaging and building relationships with those with whom they work.

“Social workers know their children and families well and understand the complexities of social work in St Helens. They work positively with children and their families to support them so they can make positive changes in their lives. There is a strong understanding of the needs of children in St Helens, and where there are risks, these are recognised and addressed.

“Senior leaders and managers take care with the language they use, in a way that is sensitive and considered. They are developing a culture of practice that is understood by the workforce and is reflected in their work with children and families.”