MEET Audrey Lysons who recently turned 100 and says the secret to her long and happy life is “appreciating the simple things in life”.

Audrey grew up in Prescot and then lived on Mitchell Road working for BICC on the typing pool and married Kenneth Lysons – a lecturer at St Helens Tech before having three children, Mike, Geoff and Edith.

The great gran-of-five spent most of her life caring for her son Geoff who had Down Syndrome and has been an active part of the Methodist Church and St Helens Choral Society.

(Image: Audrey in her youth)

For her special milestone birthday, a party was held at retirement community Henbury Court on Kiln Lane and she received a letter from King Charles III.

(Image: Audrey on her birthday)

Her son Mike, 67, said: “Mum is very family focused, she cared for my brother all of his life and she’s very traditional and has had so much in her life to keep her happy and if asked she would say the secret to her long and happy life is simple things in life and being content with what you have.

(Image: The letter and the cake)

“Her mum Sarah Dutton lived to be 103 and got a telegram from Queen Elizabeth II so now we have her telegram and mum’s letter from King Charles to mark their 100ths.”

Audrey's mum Sarah on her 100th birthday with a telegram from Queen Elizabeth IIAudrey's mum Sarah on her 100th birthday with a telegram from Queen Elizabeth II (Image: Audrey's mum Sarah on her 100th birthday with a telegram from Queen Elizabeth II)