AN APPLICATION seeking consent for use of a property as a children's home has been approved.

A bid for a certificate of lawfulness for a proposed use as a children's home for one young person for an address at Ritherup Lane, Rainhill, was sent to the town hall.

A certificate of lawfulness is a means of obtaining a decision from a planning authority that a proposed use or works do not require planning permission.

In the plans it was stated: "The application seeks to establish that the existing property can be used for the care of one young person under the age of 18, with 24-hour supervision, without the need for planning permission to be granted, on the basis that the proposed use is lawful."

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It was added "there will be two carers per day doing a day and night shift".

There will be a pool of six staff in total, with two carers on both a day and night shift, with the shift pattern for carers being two days on and three days off.

Plans said: "No physical changes are proposed to the property such that it will retain the appearance of standard family home.

"The level of activity, associated with the proposed use, would be comparable with that which might reasonably be expected to be generated by a single dwellinghouse occupied by a family of four."

There was one 'neutral' representation from the public made which stated the two parking spaces are unused and should be utilised; that they expect the property to be maintained in good condition; and raised "concern regarding existing issues relating to noise and disturbance".

Planning officer Kim Vo said in a report "if any behavioural concerns arise and cause significant noise/disturbance issues, these are to be addressed by the carers of the facility".

She added: "The resident and carers assigned to the property will help to create a sense of continuity and familiarity for all concerned and as such, will assist in maintaining a residential character akin to a Class C3 use.

"The proposed use is therefore, not considered to result in a material change to that of a conventional residential two bedroomed dwelling".

The certificate of lawfulness was granted.