OK. Let’s just be honest and say it…summer holidays can be hard work.

Don’t get me wrong, I adore my son and he’s in the age group where he is still in nursery so he is being cared for in the week so I can work.

But the pressure on parents to find exciting things to do with children of varying ages over summer seems never-ending – especially in a cost-of-living crisis.

So when Knowsley Safari Park offered me the opportunity to take my son to one of their summer events I jumped at the chance.

(Image: Pics: Kelsey's son on their visit to Knowsley Safari Park)

We chose for my dino-obsessed toddler to go to the dinosaur day and the day was a hit.

We took friends and made it a proper play date day, which was a first, as most toddler mums will tell you it is an hour to two hours tops at play centres.

So instead, we had the whole day with the boys and it was crazy, obviously, but it was amazing too.

Firstly, we took off around the foot safari and saw the giraffes and tried our hand at everything else on there. The weather turned and it started raining lightly so we retreated to the car and did the safari drive.

My friend had both boys on her knee – her child, calm and serene alongside my child – who was very excited and shouting so loudly a rhino decided to wake up and move further away in its enclosure…oh dear.

Kelsey's son and his friend enjoying the rides at Knowsley Safari ParkKelsey's son and his friend enjoying the rides at Knowsley Safari Park (Image: Kelsey's son and his friend enjoying the rides at Knowsley Safari Park)


The day was a hit though and we saw more than ever before on the drive before heading back to eat and do the rest of the foot safari, and doing a couple of rides before watching the Sea Lion show and meeting dinosaurs as they came out into the central area outside the restaurant.

My son was very taken with the baby dinosaur on show, and is still asking to see pictures I took of him with it on the day.

The magic of Knowsley Safari for kids of any age never really wanes and with plenty of different activities on offer throughout the summer holidays there is so much on offer for everyone.

It’s a lovely day out.

For more information on Knowsley Safari Park and the events they have this summer, go to https://www.knowsleysafariexperience.co.uk/events/summer