MUM-OF-THREE Lisa Ormrod who is living with incurable cancer is joining forces with Crossfit KSH to put on a day long fundraising for The Lilac Centre.

Lisa from Sutton Heath is currently living with secondary cancer and has raised thousands for charity since being first diagnosed seven years ago with breast cancer and after undergoing treatment, went into remission only to discover in November 2022 that it has returned and is now also in her liver, pelvis, femur, chest and hip.

Despite this, Lisa has never given up hope and focuses on fundraising and raising awareness for breast cancer.

While undergoing ongoing treatment to prevent the disease from spreading at The Lilac Centre, the 49-year-old was inspired to get her crossfit family involved in a fundraising event to help others like her.

She said: “4I like doing what I can to raise money, I’ve done a lot for Burney Breast Unit in the past and feel like the staff and patients at The Lilac Centre are amazing and I’d like to do abit for them.

“I do crossfit to keep fit and keep active, Josh Jackson and Hannah Murphy are amazing and have helped me and helped to put this event together on Saturday, July 27 throughout the day all for The Lilac Centre.

“The Lilac Centre is there for us all when we least expect to need it, it needs as much help as it can get.”

The event will run from 5am until 6pm and will include a hero workout including running, skiing , rowing and biking until everyone has covered the distance of a marathon in each workout category. These work outs will take place every hour on the hour. For more information and how to donate and get involved, go to