A FESTIVAL launched to celebrate the lives of two women left the community wanting more after a jam-packed day of activities.

After beloved teaching assistant Helen Quinn passed away from cancer in 2022, her daughter Carly desperately wanted to do something to celebrate her life with family, friends, and those who knew her from Rainford High.

This was even more important to Carly as her best friend Hannah Black had also battled with the disease, after she was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer in 2017, aged just 26.

To commemorate Helen and Hannah, and all lost loved ones in recent years, Carly and a team of volunteers have spent months organising 'H Fest'; a jam-packed family festival that went down a treat at Park Farm Community Centre.

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Carly (right) organised the festival in memory of Helen and HannahCarly (right) organised the festival in memory of Helen and Hannah (Image: Carly Quinn)
Jonny Lomax came to join in with the H Fest funJonny Lomax came to join in with the H Fest fun (Image: Carly Quinn)

Taking place on Saturday, July 20, there was a wide range of activities for people of all ages to get involved in, including arts and crafts activities, inflatable and sports games, reiki and wellbeing sessions, and beauty treatments and cake decorating.

A host of local businesses also supported the event by donating raffle prizes and providing artisan food vans, while bingo and live music performances entertained guests throughout the evening.

Raising money for Willowbrook Hospice - who cared for Hannah's mum before she passed away - Park Farm Community Centre, and Rainford High, the sold-out event managed to raise more than £6,000.

The sold out H Fest took place at Park Farm Community Centre on July 20The sold out H Fest took place at Park Farm Community Centre on July 20 (Image: Carly Quinn)

Speaking about the event, social worker Carly said: "I'm only just recovering from it all to be honest! It was an incredible event and went better than we all could have expected.

"Everyone kept saying how nice it was to see so many people together, from people who hadn't seen each other for years or those who had never met before.

"The volunteers did such an amazing job of organising everything and making sure the event ran smoothly, and it was all supported by local businesses too so you could really feel the community atmosphere.

"Everyone kept asking if we are planning it for next year so hopefully it can become a yearly event!"

The jam-packed event left the community wanting moreThe jam-packed event left the community wanting more