RESIDENTS have been reassured that caravans reported on a field in Winwick are there legally.

Reports have been received by Cheshire Police that around 100 caravans had accessed land on Highfield Lane in Winwick without permission.

However, that is not the case, and vehicles have been given permission from the landowner to be there.

Traveller vehicles are on the field after permission was granted for a Christian festival, with Cheshire Police confirming that this is a ‘genuine event’.

READ> Update on unauthorised caravan camp as another is reported

A police incident reference has been opened for any issues should they arise, as there would for any event of this size, the force said.

These include issues such as traffic problems due to the volume of visitors to the festival, as well as any other incidents.

Cllr Stuart Mann, ward councillor for Burtonwood and Winwick for Warrington Borough Council, said: “There is an open ticket for the 'gathering' on Highfield Lane.

“This is an event on private land and has the permission of the landowner.

“Please use IML1867985 if you need to report anything associated with the event.

“Please dial 999 in an emergency or 101 if it is not an emergency.”