INDEPENDENT candidate for St Helens South and Whiston James Tasker said he feels "proud" of the campaign he ran after taking more than 11 per cent of the vote.

Mr Tasker, a councillor for Rainhill, stood in the constituency, finishing in third place with 4,244 votes as Labour's Marie Rimmer defended the seat.

He said he felt proud of the campaign, while admitting to disappointment at the result and the relatively low turnout for a general election.

He said the "challenge for me going forward is to turn voter apathy and fear into hope".

READ > St Helens general election - the results

Reflecting on the result, Mr Tasker said: "I would like to congratulate Marie Rimmer on another term and I hope now that we have a Labour government, with such a large majority, that we see a significant spending increase in our communities, particularly when it comes to local council budgets.

"St Helens South and Whiston is one of the safest seats in the country for Labour so it was always going to be a massive challenge to try and change that.

"Whilst I am disappointed in the result locally last night, and the low turnout, I am very proud of my campaign and of the help and support that I have received over the last six weeks from people right across St Helens and Whiston.

"No political party in St Helens South and Whiston put in the effort that I did during my campaign and I think that is reflected in the biggest swing locally going to myself.

"There’s many people who I didn’t know just six weeks ago who have helped me greatly during my campaign and who want to continue to support me in future.

"I am so grateful for all their support and I am also grateful to everyone who came out to vote for me. The challenge for me going forward is to turn voter apathy and fear into hope."