THE disgusted and heartbroken owners of a cat that was "doused" in a glue like substance and left to stagger home, are offering a reward that will lead to the conviction of those responsible.

Glen Davies and Sue Sumner who live of New Bold estate with Cyprus-born rescue cat Georgie live a quiet life.

On Saturday they were "horrified" after Georgie returned home just 15 minutes after he ventured out for his normal evening walk covered in glue.

Glen, 61, said: “Georgie went out about 10pm, we went up to bed and heard him come in the cat flap about 15 minutes later but there was an almighty scream.

“We thought maybe another cat followed him in and they were fighting so I called for him to come upstairs and when we saw him we couldn’t believe it.

“The smell was horrendous, think Evo Stick and petrol, his fur was matted in it and he had foam coming out of his mouth, I did everything to clear his airway myself and he was sticking to me with whatever was on him.

(Image: Georgie is now recovering at home)

“We called the emergency vet but our normal one Rutland was busy so we took him to one in Warrington and they said it was touch and go and he might need euthanising if he was in so much pain.

“Eventually the vet smothered him in cooking oil which helped break down a lot of the glue and we got told that if he made it through the following four hours he might be OK and we were praying for him to be OK.

“Thankfully he made it through and now he’s home, slowly we are cutting off all the matted fur it’s like hard icicles of hardened glue everywhere.

“He’s also got a hurt leg and the vet suggested that perhaps he was held by this leg while he was hurt and doused in whatever this is.

“We can’t understand why anyone would do this and it’s honestly been awful to see him in so much pain.

“He’s not a cuddly cat really, very well known and loved in the community but since the accident he won’t go out and just sits on our laps.

“I’m not one for social media but I felt compelled to try and raise awareness of this and hopefully find out who did this.

“It’s been reported to the RSPCA and the police. But we need all the help possible and if the information leads to a successful conviction then we can pay £1,000 reward.”

To get in touch with Glen and Sue with any information, email via