REVISED plans for electric vehicle stations at a busy petrol station have been approved.

Shell has submitted proposals for EV charging stations at Haydock Island Petrol Station on the East Lancashire Road.

Previously permission was granted by St Helens Council for four charging stations at the location.

However, a cover letter in the new plans stated: "This application is due to necessary changes to the layout of the EVC hub, thus allowing for an additional EVC bay to be included at the site.

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"The proposed development therefore seeks to provide a five-bay EVC hub with associated works."

It is added there are "nine existing customer car parking spaces in total" at the station and "an existing single EVC bay to the west of the sales building and a valet bay adjacent to the accessible bay".

The letter adds: "The EVC charging bays are located to the north east of the site in an area currently landscaped but have been positioned so as to minimise the loss of trees.

"The proposal will result in the loss of two trees located along the northern boundary."

The petrol station at Haydock IslandThe petrol station at Haydock Island (Image: Google Street View)

The letter concluded: "The principle of an EVC Hub on the site is already established and it is considered to be in accordance with the Development Plan.

"The revised scheme better meets the needs of the site with an increased number of chargers in a more suitable configuration.

"The proposal represents a modernisation of the existing facilities on the site to meet changing motorists’ and environmental needs.

"Whilst the site continues to be in a functional use, it offers significant environmental benefits and meets modern standards."

In a report, planning officer Alex Ball stated: "The substation and LV GRP cabinet will be positioned to the rear part of the site behind the existing paraphernalia associated with the petrol filling station.

"The size and scale of the substation and LV GRP cabinet and would be in-keeping with the nature of the application site given the existing commercial nature of the area and would not be considered a dominant structure.

"Considering the development in the local context would not be an undue or dominant addition to the site. It is considered that the development would comply with policy LPD01 of the St Helens LP (Local Plan)."

Permission was granted.