A KNIFEMAN who stabbed a man to the abdomen in an alley has been put behind bars.

A  judge told Mert Gercek this afternoon, Friday, June 28, “The very fact you were prepared to, and did, use a weapon makes you a dangerous offender.”

The 28-year-old had admitted his involvement in that attack and also a later offence of strangulation of a former partner.

Judge Neil Flewitt, KC, told him that his judgement that he is a dangerous offender was reinforced by that later offence and his criminal record. He imposed an extended four year licence.

Andrew McInnes, prosecuting, told Liverpool Crown Court that on March 4 last year the victim had gone into Liverpool with friends for a night out.

They returned to St Helens in the early hours of the morning and went to the Imperial nightclub.

Drink knocked over

“He was drunk and an altercation developed when he accidentally knocked over another male’s drink,” said Mr McInnes.

The situation seemed to calm down but he saw a man indicating for him to go outside and when he did so and walked towards a nearby alley Gercek ran at him.

The case was heard at Liverpool Crown Court

Stabbed in the stomach

“Gercek hit him to the stomach and he responded with a punch before a second blow struck him to the right side of his stomach. He saw police officers approaching and he made off from the scene. There were multiple people around.

“He collapsed as he ran and looked down and could see the injury to his stomach,” said Mr Mcinnes.

“Officers were about to handcuff him when they noticed the wound to his right abdomen and administered first aid and called for medical help.”

The victim, a refrigeration engineer, was taken to Aintree Hospital where he underwent surgery and had part of his colon removed. He was kept in intensive care for five days, said the prosecutor.

The defendant was not detained at the scene of the attack but a lock knife was found in the alley and DNA on the weapon was found to be a match for Gercek and he was circulated as wanted.

He was arrested on June 24 on Prescot Road and was later identified by the victim.

Attack on former partner

Gercek was released for further investigations and on the afternoon of February 17 this year a former partner, was about to go into St Mary’s Market in St Helens when he grabbed her from behind with his arm around her neck.

He dragged her backwards but she managed to break free and words were exchanged before he left.

The court heard that the defendant has 23 previous convictions for 42 offences including possessing a bladed article and battery.

Gercek, of Knowsley Road, Eccleston, pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, possessing a bladed article and strangulation, and was jailed for seven years.

Frank Dillon, defending, said that Gercek had pleaded guilty to the offences which demonstrated his remorse and acceptance of wrong doing.

“He is not going to sit in a cell smoking Spice, he is going to learn a trade with a view to moving away from St Helens and the criminal sub-culture and gangs.”

He had not been in the Imperial Club and was not the man who “fronted” the victim and invited him outside. The offence may have involved “anticipatory self-defence,” he said.

Mr Dillon said that the strangulation involved him putting his hand around her neck momentarily. 

Mert GercekMert Gercek (Image: Merseyside Police)

Gercek was jailed for 12 months, of which he will have to serve half, and an additional six years for the wounding of which he will have to serve at least two thirds.