PLANS to carry out works to six trees covered by a tree preservation order have been refused.

An application proposing the works, on land off Club Street, Moss Bank, has been turned down.

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In the decision notice, it states the reason for this is: “The council’s trees and woodlands officer was not satisfied with the level of information required for the justification of the works to the protected trees.

“Therefore, the proposed application is contrary to policy LPC10 of the St Helens Local Plan as it would result in both the loss and harm to the protected trees.”

In the officer report, it said the council’s trees and woodlands officer raised an objection to the proposed works due to them ‘falling outside of the control of the applicant’.

Furthermore, it stated that the applicant’s agent was given the opportunity to provide evidence that the landowner was in ‘agreement’ with the proposed works to the trees, but ‘unfortunately, they could not provide the requested information and asked for the application to be refused due to the amount of time that had passed’.