TWO men have been arrested on suspicion of robbery after a man was assaulted and his car keys taken in Clock Face.

At around 12.15am this morning (Friday, June 28), two men approached a man who was in his car on Fallow Close and punched him, they then took his car keys from the ignition, damaged his vehicle and ran away from the area.

Later this morning one of the suspects was detained by the victim and officers on Beechwood Close.

The 18-year-old man from Warrington was arrested on suspicion of robbery and taken to a police station in Merseyside where he remains in custody.

The other man made off in a taxi but was found by officers in a shed in the rear garden of a house on Peterlee Close.

The 24-year-old was arrested on suspicion of robbery and taken to hospital for medical assessment where he remains.

Detectives Inspector Richard Shillito said: “These arrests made last night with the help of the victim and our police dogs shows that we simply will not tolerate such violent attacks in our communities and I would like to thank this man for his bravery during this frightening incident.

“While we have made two arrests, enquiries into the robberies remain ongoing. If you were on Fallow Close, Beechwood or Peterlee Close at the time of the incident this morning and saw anything or anyone suspicious then please let us know.

“Similarly, if you live in the area and have any CCTV or doorbell footage of the incident please contact police. Any information you hold could be vital to our enquiries.”

Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact @MerPolCC on Twitter or ‘Merseyside Police Contact Centre’ on Facebook with reference 24000567341.

You can also call 101 or Crimestoppers, anonymously on 0800 555 111, or their online form at