THE stepdad of knife crime victim Daniel Fox says new artwork created in his memory to highlight the dangers of carrying knives is ‘fantastic’ and helps ‘get the message into everyone’s minds.’ Daniel, from Thatto Heath, died on September 2, 2016, after he was fatally stabbed while out in the town centre.

He was aged just 29.

Turning their grief into something preventative and proactive, his family set up an anti-knife crime charity in his name – The Daniel Fox Foundation, which raises awareness with youth by doing education workshops in schools and with groups.

One group they have done a lot of work with is UC Crew, a dance group, which helped the latest creation happen by putting the charity in communication with King Syze Graffiti, who created a fox mural on the side of Parr’s Church Inn to raise awareness of knife crime.

The large mural, which focuses on the words ‘Drop the knife, save a life’ has a large fox with blue eyes, like Daniel had.

(Image: Contributed)

Daniel step Karl Ashton, who helps run the foundation said: “It’s absolutely fantastic to see the mural because for me its not about just Daniel, there’s a bigger picture here of saving young people, saving many lives.

“I applied for funding for this a while ago and thanks to our ongoing relationship with UC Crew and the landlord of the Church Inn Paul has been supportive and is made up with the artwork.

“I think it’s just really affective to get the message in everyone’s minds that carrying a knife doesn’t help anyone.”