TEARDROPS charity bosses have officially announced its closure saying they are "devastated" to be in this position.

Teardrops Supporting the Homeless was formed in 2016 by Shauni Ward and Denise Kelly to support those who were rough sleeping on the streets of St Helens.

During the pandemic, countries and communities worldwide reached out to help and support those most vulnerable and disadvantaged in their community.

Alongside other charities and services, Teardrops recognised the need to support those struggling, and in 2020, Teardrops changed its name to Teardrops Supporting Your Community, providing wrap-around support with welfare and benefits advice, supporting people from the streets into a home, several schools with food pantries, workshops for young people, weekly multi-agency drop-ins, and a night service.

As a way to be more sustainable, in September 2023, using legacy money left to the charity, Teardrops founded Mellor and Black Enchanted Tea Rooms and an upcycling furniture business called Made Up inside the downstairs of the former Ena Shaw building.

The intention was funds garnered from these businesses would go back into Teardrops – however due to rising costs and the cost-of-living crisis, the charity has been left with a horrible situation and closed the two businesses on Saturday, June 1 following a fundraiser to try and save the charity.

An online fundraiser garnered more than £7,000 to try and save the charity, but the funds were not enough.

Therefore today, Wednesday, June 26, Denise, Shauni and Teardrops manager Nick Dyer have issued the following statement: “It is with a heavy heart and deep sadness we announce the closure of Teardrops.

“Over the last eight years, Teardrops has supported the most vulnerable people and families in St Helens.

“We are deeply proud of the great work Teardrops have achieved over the years in our community, and it will always hold a special place in our hearts. We will carry the fondest memories of all who have walked through our door.

“Closing the charity has been one of the hardest decisions we have ever had to make, and while we are devastated that we got to this position, we have a lot to be proud of. The economy and cost of living crisis have impacted on the charity deeply.

“We have an amazing community, and we are asking the great people of St Helens to get behind a local charity doing some fantastic work to help and support those who may find themselves in a challenging situation.

“We are hugely grateful for all the support from everyone in our community who has supported us over the years by raising much-needed funds and sharing in our vision to end homelessness and poverty.

“We would also like to thank all our volunteers, staff, trustees, our patron, and young ambassador, for all their time, dedication, and commitment. Including, foundations and Trusts, businesses, schools and colleges, community groups, sports teams, charities, the Local Authority, NHS, and emergency services.

“We could not have done this without your unwavering support. Thank you.”